We have a love of running and all the great benefits it brings. Our site provides lists of upcoming races.
We’ve been keen runners since around 2007 when the bug really took hold - since then we’ve completed numerous races from the awesome Saturday parkruns, 10km races up and down Britain, many half marathons and now that age is catching up with us we’ve moved onto marathons also.
We wanted a place to find half marathons and marathons in an easy to find format - we tried and tried and it simply did not exist and so in 2013 we created our own website 13milers.com in order to do just that.
Still in an easy to navigate format our aim is to provide the fastest, easiest way for runners and athletes to be able to search for upcoming events by easily scrolling through a list of races rather than having to load another page of results. This list includes half marathons and marathons over any terrain - it’s the perfect companion (in our opinion anyway) for your up and coming race requirements.
In addition we have training plans available with new ones currently in the process of being created ... and also race calculators to help with that all important PB!
We also tweet @racelists many of the upcoming races on our site and those planned for the future. For example your training plan maybe set at 14 weeks or 16 weeks so we tweet those races starting then so you can properly schedule a race. Alternatively we also tweet races commencing in 6 or 9 months to give you some ideas for possible target runs you can aim at.
If you are a race organiser and your half marathon or marathon is not showing on our website www.13milers.com please feel free to drop us a message to [email protected] with the information and we'll be happy to assist.