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UK Marathon Races Calendar 2025 - 2026

Marathons in the UK

Above is a directory of upcoming marathons in the UK helping you to target a particular race you might be interested in. Picking a fast marathon can be difficult with so many variables affecting your potential performance - the wind and the weather can seriously effect your race performance. However, from reports we've heard some fast and flat UK marathons are Abingdon, Blackpool, Manchester, London and Edinburgh. The temperature on race day really can have a big effect on your marathon time so it is always good to look for earlier starts to summer races before the temperature really gets high. To get started with your training you can view the Asics training plans on our training page which are 16 weeks long to help you in the planning and training for your chosen event, good luck!

Follow us on Twitter @racelists for regular updates where we post about upcoming marathon and half marathon races.