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Sat 17th Jan 2026

Winchester (Today 12pm) 10°C
Feels like 10°C Humidity: 89%
Wind: 4.46m/s W
scattered clouds icon
Race Start Time: 09:00 Entry On Day: Unknown
Running Surface: Trail Race Cut Off Time: TBC
Route Undulation: Undulating Race Town: Winchester
Timing Method: Race Location: Hampshire
Number Collection: - Race Entry Cost: £40.00
Distance Markers: Unknown Race Status: Provisional
Road Status: Unknown Use Headphones: Unknown
Max Number: Race Format:
Race Start Time: 09:00
Entry On Day: Unknown
Running Surface: Trail
Race Cut Off Time: TBC
Route Undulation: Undulating
Use Headphones: Unknown
Timing Method:
Race Town: Winchester
Race Location: Hampshire
Number Collection: -
Road Status: Unknown
Race Entry Cost: £40.00
Distance Markers: Unknown
Race Status: Provisional
Max Number:
Race Format:
Race Goodies:
Race Pacers:
No PacersRace Pacer
Other Event Races:
Entry Cost

Unaffiliated: £40.00
Affiliated: £38.00

Where is the race?

The race is located in Winchester, United Kingdom.

Can I wear headphones at the Winchester Off-Road Half Marathon?


Is the race still going ahead?


Change is always possible, please contact the race organiser to confirm this at: [email protected]

What is the maximum allowed time to complete the race?

The maximum time allowed is unknown, sorry.

Race Entry Information
Winchester Off-Road Half Marathon Race Entry

The website organising the Winchester Off-Road Half Marathon is

Race Description:

Set in the gorgeous Hampshire countryside, the Winchester Off-road Half Marathon takes place just outside Winchester, on the stunning tracks, bridleways and footpaths that surround the famous Farley Mount. This local landmark is the jewel in the crown of this rewarding half Marathon Trail Run.
The route starts from the well-equipped Sparsholt College there is plentiful hard-standing parking and the picturesque and unspoiled route has 2 distances to offer - 21k & 14.5k.
The race is the perfect way to kick of your running season and keep those New Year’s resolutions. The route is rolling rather than hilly, so will ease you into your new year of running gently.
Consisting of visually rewarding tree-lined sections and spectacular vistas over the Hampshire countryside and a cheeky little climb up to Farley’s Mount on the Epic route.
At the finish you will receive a well-deserved quality event specific medal, running cups and neck buff.

Winchester Off-Road Half Marathon Race Route 

Winchester Off-Road Half Marathon Race Route